Ann Marie

by | Jun 12, 2018 | Planning for College


Ann Marie


Rochelle Reid




BU Upward Bound

Being the best college candidate possible was an achieved goal for Ann Marie’s family

Why Inversant

Ann Marie is a mother of three children who always looks for opportunities that help provide a better future for her children. Before joining Inversant she wasn’t sure where to find information to better support her kids through the college process. Her family comes from Jamaica where the school system, culture and lifestyle are much different, something she worried about,“I didn’t know how the system works in this country so it was very enlightening to see the many options available.”

Lessons learned: Strong college candidate

Attending monthly Learning Circles, Ann Marie learned about different resources and tips to navigate the college process. Her favorite workshop was learning about how to make her daughter Rochelle a strong college candidate. “I knew what classes Rochelle should be taking and always encouraged her to do better so that she could qualify for scholarships. I also learned about how involved she should be.” Rochelle took numerous AP courses and was very involved with different organizations in her community like the YMCA. Her mother shares that learning these things are very important because it creates a healthy relationship between her and her daughter, something she is excited to continue with her two younger children.


Ann Marie encourages other parents to get involved with their children’s higher education process by learning and finding resources to help you.“When I first started I didn’t know anything, I didn’t even know all these things existed.” Ann Marie and Rochelle have successfully completed the program and are prepping to head to college. Rochelle has been accepted to the Foundation Gap program at Northeastern University and will be attending in the fall.

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